General Interpretations
General effects, which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Sun, are as follows:
During the Maha Dasha of the Sun wealth is obtained through medicine, weapons, fire, Brahmins, land and royalty.
There is an increase in spiritualism, yantras and mantras.
Friendship with government employees will develop and their favourable attitude will help in getting work done.
Anxiety may prevail during this period.
There may be enmity with brothers, friends, and separation from spouse, son and father.
There may be fear due to thieves, fire, enemies and the government.
There may be ailments of the teeth, eyes and abdomen.
There may be decrease in the number of the servants and cattle (cows).
One will migrate and settle abroad.
Specific Interpretations:
Interpretations based on the conditions of the planet in the birth chart and divisional charts is as follows -
There may be unhappiness caused by the pain of venereal diseases, fever and mental anxiety.
There maybe hardships in the course of travelling and harm related to one's souse, children, wealth and land.
Father and paternal relatives may suffer from fear due to death, conflicts and disputes.
There is a possibility of punishment, fear and sorrow due to state displeasure.
Health may cause irritation and headaches may cause pain.
Fame may be attained due to education, one's family and the company of females cause happiness.
Parents will be happy.
State honors may be received.
Physical beauty may increase and one may get opportunities of going on pilgrimages and performing sacrifices.
Agricultural farming may be profitable, land and vehicles may be acquired.
Fame, state honors and good clothes may received.
One will mix with friends and family members, wealth may be acquired from others.
Progress may be attained through increase in ambitions and valor.
Success in important work and high authority may be acquired.
State honour and attainment of wealth bring happiness.
Friends may cause pain and brothers may be harmed.
A desire to attain high authority and power may arise.
Anger increases and gastric problems may cause pain.
One may be distanced from ones parents and friends.
Fame and popularity in the world may increase.
There is a possibility of being defeated and dominated by one's spouse.
Friends may suffer pain and cause pain too.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Sun
One may attain some honor from the government/state and government contacts may be beneficial.
There will be an increase in authority and one may attain a high position.
One may acquire wealth either through war or by winning in some disputed matter.
The mind may be restless and one may travel abroad or take a holiday trip to some jungles.
Good effects like acquisition of wealth and grains, etc., are derived.
Adverse results will be experienced.
Medium effects will be realized.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Sun
Authority, respect, honour and happiness may increase.
One may gain from the rich, business may be profitable and one may acquire all worldly comforts.
Wealth may be acquired from friends and family members. One may also attain clothes and ornaments.
Those in the opposition will be destroyed and enemies may be defeated.
Functions like marriage, etc., gain of wealth and property, acquisition of a house, of land, cattle and conveyances, etc
There will be marriage of the native, birth of children, beneficence of and favour from kings (the government) and fulfillment of all ambitions.
Distress of wife and children, failures in ventures, disputes with others, loss of servants, antagonism with the king (government), and destruction's of wealth and grains.
Effects like danger from water, mental agony, imprisonment, danger from diseases, loss of position, journeys to difficult places, disputes with coparceners, bad food, trouble from thieves, etc., displeasure of the king (government), urinary troubles, pains in the body will be experienced..
Luxuries, comforts, pleasures, dawn of fortune (Bhagyodaya), increase in the enjoyment from wife and children, acquisition of kingdom, performance of marriage and religious functions, gain of garments, land, and conveyance, and birth of children and grand children will be the auspicious effects.
Unpalatable food or course food, exile to outside places, etc.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Sun
One may attain gains and respect from the state. One's status also increases.
Gold, jewels and garments are acquired and wealth increases.
Auspicious events take place at home and one is blessed with brothers.
One may be opposed to family members and acidity and other ailments may cause distress.
Auspicious effects like acquisition of land, gain of wealth and grains, acquisition of a house, etc.
All round gains, attainment of the position of a commander of the army, destruction of enemies, peace of mind, family comforts, and increase in the number of co-borns.
Brutality, mental ailment, imprisonment, loss of kinsmen, disputes with brothers, and failure in ventures.
Destruction of wealth by the displeasure of the king (government).
Diseases of the mind and body will result.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Maha Dasha of Sun
There will be business related tension and physical pain.
Enemies and family members may cause pain, one may lose one's position, or be demoted and the person may be unhappy.
There is a fear of adverse work, loss of public image, loss of wealth and fear of poison.
In the first two months there will be loss of wealth, danger from thieves, snakes, infliction of wounds, and distress to wife and children.
After 2 months inauspicious effects will disappear and enjoyment and comforts, sound health, satisfaction, favour from the king and government, etc., will be the favourable effect.
Recognition from the king (government), good fortune, name and fame, some distress to wife and children, birth of a son, happiness in the family, etc., will be derived.
Imprisonment, loss of position, danger from thieves and snakes, inflection of wounds, happiness to wife and children, destruction of cattle, house, and agricultural fields, diseases, consumption (Gulma : enlargement of the skin,) dysentery, etc., will be the result.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Sun
Get respect from government and there will be promotion.
Acquire fame in education, have good friends and increase in knowledge.
One may be inclined towards good deeds, there is faith in gods and Brahmins and religious pilgrimages are undertaken.
One may be desirous of accumulating wealth, good clothes, gold and ornaments.
One may be blessed with a son and the son may acquire wealth and destroy enemies.
Marriage of the native, favours by the king (government) gain of wealth and grains, birth of a son, fulfillment of the ambitions by the beneficence of the sovereign and gain of clothes, will be the auspicious effects.
Acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), comforts of conveyance like palanquin (motor car in the present times,), gain of position, etc.
Better fortune, charities, religious inclinations, worship of deities, devotion to preceptor, and fulfillment of ambition.
Distress to wife and children, pains in the body, displeasure of the king (government), non-achievement of desired goals, loss of wealth due to sinful deeds, mental worries, etc.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of Sun
The mind is agitated, there is defame in education and obstacles at work.
One may be enmical towards people, friends may oppose and one's wife and children may suffer pain.
One may fear the king and thieves. Laziness may increase.
One may suffer due to pain and due to a lowly means of earning one's living.
Destruction of foes, full enjoyment, some gain of grains, auspicious functions like marriage, etc., at home.
Well being, acquisition of more property, recognition by the king (government), achievement of renown in the country, gain of wealth from many sources.
Rheumatism, pains, fever, dysentery-like disease, imprisonment, loss in ventures, loss of wealth, quarrels, disputes with coparceners, claimants, etc.
There will be loss of friends at the commencement, good effects during the middle part and distress at the end of the Dasha. In addition to other evil effects, there will be separation from parents and wandering.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Mercury in the Maha Dasha of Sun
The mind is restless, there is a lack of enthusiasm.
Friends may cause pain and expenditure may increase.
Happiness is limited and people may be supportive.
One may suffer from skin ailments, itching and occasionally leprosy also.
Acquisition of a kingdom ( attainment of a high position in government), enthusiasm and vivacity, happiness from wife and children, acquisition of conveyance through the beneficence of the Sovereign, gain of clothes, ornaments, pilgrimage to holy places, acquisition of a cow, etc.
Mercury becomes very beneficial because of association with the lord of Dharm Bhava.
Reverence from and popularity amongst people, performance of pious deeds and religious rites, devotion to the preceptor and deities, increase in wealth and grains, and birth of a son.
Marriage, offering of oblations, charity, performance of religious rites, name and fame, becoming famous by assuming another name, good food, becoming happy like Indra by acquiring wealth , robes and ornaments.
Body distress, disturbance of peace of mind, distress to wife and children.
There will be evil effects at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, some good effects in the middle part of the Antar Dasha and the possibility of displeasure of the king and exile to a foreign country at the end of the Dasha.
There will be pain in the body and attacks of fever.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Maha Dasha of Sun
There may be problems related to business and the government.
There will be mental tension, physical pain and eye ailments.
If Ketu is associated with the lord of Lagna, distress in the middle part of the Antar Dasha, fear from enemies, loss of wealth.
Body Pains, mental agony, danger from the king (government), quarrels with the kinsmen, will be the effects of the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Sun.
Body Pain, mental agony, loss of wealth, danger from the king (government), quarrels with the kinsmen.
There will be some happiness at the commencement, distress in the middle part, and receipt of the news of death at the end of the Antar Dasha.
Disease of teeth or cheeks, urinary troubles, loss of position, loss of friends and wealth, death of father, foreign journey, and troubles from enemies.
Beneficial effects like happiness from wife and children, satisfaction, increase of friends, gain of clothes, etc., and renown.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Venus in the Maha Dasha of Sun
Worldly comforts may be adversely affected.
One may acquire things produced by the sea.
One may seek the company of women, migrate, indulge in useless discussions, spend money for luxurious pleasures and conflicts in the house may take place.
Physical pain due to fever, headaches, earaches and other ailments are possible.
Marriage and happiness as desired from wife, gain of property, travels to other places, meeting with Brahmins and the king (government officials), acquisition of kingdom (attainment of a high position in government).
Riches, magnanimity and majesty, auspicious function at the home, availability of sweet preparations, acquisition of pearls and other jewels, clothes, cattle, wealth, grains and conveyances, enthusiasm, good reputation, etc.
Displeasure of the king mental agony and distress to wife and children.
The effects of the Antar Dasha would be moderate at its commencement, good during the middle portion and evil effects like disrepute, loss of position, inimical relations with kinsmen and loss of comforts, will be derived at the end.
There will be pains in the body and the possibility of suffering from diseases.
General Interpretations
General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Moon are as follows :
Interest in mantras and Vedas will increase and there may be faith in elders, teachers and gods.
Happiness and a good position may be attained due to the favour of those in authority.
One may enjoy the pleasing company of young females and the joy of acquiring wealth, land, flowers, incense and ornaments.
One may attain skill at many arts.
Status and fame in society may increase
Modesty, benevolence and other good habits will increase.
The mind may be lively and restless.
The birth of a daughter is possible.
Water related work, gardening and agriculture will be profitable.
One may wish to travel.
If the Moon is weak, then physical pain may be caused by cough and gastric ailments.
Laziness may increase and one may be a loss of wealth.
There may be quarrels and arguments with dear ones.
The mind may not be interested in good deeds.
Specific Interpretations:
Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows :
There may be a decrease in the acquisition of clothes and ornaments during the Maha Dasha of the Moon.
There may be migration, service of lowly persons and harm to friends.
Benevolent deeds may be performed, fame may be attained.
One's wishes will be fulfilled.
Honours will be received from the state and the mind will be overjoyed due to the attainment of water borne products.
During the Maha Dasha of the Moon, education causes fame, happiness, victory and monetary gains are attained.
The number of children and servants increase.
Spouse and children bring bliss.
Business will be profitable.
Mental happiness may prevail.
Carpets and a comfortable bed may be acquired.
Venereal and urinary ailments may cause suffering.
During the Maha Dasha of the Moon, the person may gain financially from water borne products.
Spouse and children bring happiness.
Enemies will be destroyed and prudence may increase.
A lot of money will be spent on good deeds.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Moon
There may be physical ailments and love for music and education.
Superior clothes, ornaments and company of good people may be attained.
A high position in the government may be attained.
One may go on to pilgrimages with one's family and benefits may be gained.
There will be good fame, attainment of land, cows ( dairy products) and vehicles and increase of wealth.
Occasionally one may suffer from ailments.
Acquisition of horses, elephants, and clothes, devotion to deities and preceptor, recitation of religious sons in praise of God, acquisition of a kingdom ( attainment of a high position in government ), extreme happiness and enjoyment and name and fame.
Loss of wealth loss of position, lethargy, agony, antagonism towards the king and ministers, distress to mother, imprisonment and loss of kinsmen.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Moon
Accumulated wealth may be lost and one may have to leave one's native place.
There may be conflicts with brothers and friends and parents may cause pain.
Many ailments may arise and there may be a fear of fire, acidity, blood ailments and stomach problems.
Enthusiasm may increase and one may acquire land.
Advancement of fortune, recognition by the government, gain of clothes and ornaments, success in all efforts, increase in agricultural production and prosperity at home, and profits in business.
Great happiness and enjoyment of comforts.
Distress to the body, losses at home and in agricultural production, losses in business dealings, antagonism, or adverse relations with servants ( employees ) and the king ( government), separation from kinsmen and hot temperament.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Maha Dasha of Moon
Lack of enthusiasm, mental agony and pain due to enemies and diseases may prevail.- Friends may be lost, money may be spent, there may be defame and business losses.
There may be obstacles in attainment of happiness and fever due to consumption of contaminated food.
There will be some auspicious results at the commencement.
Later there will be danger from the king (government), thieves, and snakes, distress to cattle, loss of kinsmen and friends, loss of reputation and mental agony.
Success in all ventures, gain of conveyances, garments, etc., from the king (government), etc., in the South West direction.
Loss of position, mental agony, distress to wife and children, danger of diseases, danger from the king (government), scorpions, and snakes, etc.,
Pilgrimage to holy places, visit to sacred shrines, beneficence, inclination towards charitable deeds, etc.
There will be body troubles ( physical afflictions.)
Effects of Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Moon
Religious inclinations may increase and wealth and food grains may be attained.
Elephants, horses, vehicles, clothes, ornaments and comforts of life will enhance happiness.
One may receive honor from the king, efforts may be successful and one may celebrate the birth of a child.
Fame may be attained through education, wishes may be fulfilled and physical happiness may be attained.
Acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), auspicious celebrations at home, gains of clothes and ornaments, recognition from the king (government) beneficence of the Isht lord ( 'Isht Devata'), gains of wealth, land, conveyances, success in all ventures by the beneficence of the king (government).
Destruction of preceptor ( and father, etc.) and children, loss of position, mental agony, quarrels, destruction of a house, conveyances and agricultural land.
Gains of cattle, grains, clothes and happiness from brothers, acquisition of property, valour, patience, oblations, celebrations like marriage, etc., gain of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), etc.
Effects like unpalatable food, journeys to place away from the homeland.
There will be good effects at the commencement of the Antar Dasha and distress at its end.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of Moon
One may be unhappy due to mothers sufferings.
Work may be delayed, unhappiness may be caused by harm, fear, mourning and suspicion.
One may have bad addictions and pain due to gastric problem.
Fear due to fire, theft, harsh speech, conflicts with opponents and insult may prevail.
One's wife, child or brother may be ailing and their pain may cause unhappiness.
Effects like birth of a son, friendship, gain of wealth and property, profits in business with the help of Sudras, increase in agricultural production, gain from son, riches and glory by the beneficence of the king (government).
Effects like visits to holy places, bathing in holy rivers, etc., the creation of troubles by many people and distress from enemies.
Effects like visits to holy places, bathing in holy rivers, etc., the creation of troubles by many people and distress from enemies.
Effects like enjoyments, and gains of wealth some times.
Opposition or quarrels with wife and children at other times.
There will be physical distress.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Mercury in the Maha Dasha of Moon
One may acquire education & intelligence, enjoy the company of scholars, progress in business or attain a high position.
One may attain wealth from one's maternal relatives, acquire land, vehicles and increase one's wealth
One may become famous due to one's liberal nature.
Effects like acquisition of wealth, recognition by the king (government), gain of clothes etc., discussions on Shastras vedic scriptures), gain of knowledge from society with learned and holy people, enjoyments, birth of children, satisfaction , profits in business, acquisition of conveyance and ornaments, etc.
Effects like marriage, oblations ('Yagya'), charities, performance of religious rites, close relations with the king (government), social contacts with men of learning, acquisition of pearls, corals, Mani (jewels), conveyances, clothes, ornaments, good health, affections, enjoyments, drinking of Soma Rasa, and other tasty syrups. etc.
Pains in the body, loss in agricultural ventures imprisonment, distress to wife and children.
There will be fear of fever.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Maha Dasha of Moon
There may be loss of wealth and people
There may be pain due to stomach ailments, destruction of family and his wife may be ailing.
Sudden danger may arise and mental unrest and inveliness may prevail.
Effects like gain of wealth, enjoyment, happiness of wife and children, religious inclination, etc.
There will be some loss of wealth at the commencement of the Antar Dasha.
Later all will be well.
Gain of wealth, cattle, etc.
There will be loss of wealth at the end of the Antar Dasha
There will be obstacles in ventures due to interference by enemies and quarrels.
There will be danger of affliction of the body with diseases.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Venus in the Maha Dasha of Moon
Wealth and food may be attained and wealth may be gained through one's wife.
Worldly comforts, pleasure due to female company and an excellent wife may be attained.
Business may be favorable and one may possess clothes, ornaments and water related products.
One may suffer from an ailment which has been passed on by one's mother.
Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), gaining of clothes, ornaments, cattle, conveyances, etc., happiness to wife and children, construction of a new house, availability of sweet preparations every day, use of perfumes, affairs with beautiful women, sound health, etc.
Physical soundness, good reputation, acquisition of more land and houses.
There will be loss of landed property, children, wife and cattle, and opposition from government.
Acquisition of an underground hidden treasure, gain of land, enjoyment, birth of a son, etc.
Advancement of good fortune, fulfillment of ambitions with the beneficence of the king (government), devotion to deities and Brahmins, gain of jewels like pearls, etc.
Acquisition of more house property and agricultural land, and gain of wealth and enjoyment.
Deportation to foreign lands, sorrows, death and danger from thieves and snakes will be the results.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Moon
One may attain wealth and fame from the king and acquire the authority of a king.
Wealth may be earned through work and business and influence and valor may increase.
Enemies may be destroyed, disputes may subdue, freedom from ailments and progress may be attained.
Recovery of a lost kingdom (high position in government0 and wealth, happiness in the family, acquisition of villages and land with then kind assistance of one's friends and the king (government) , birth of a son, beneficence of Goddness Lakshmi.
At the end of the Antar Dasha, there is the likelihood of attacks of fever and lethargy.
Danger from the government, thieves, and snakes, affliction with fever and troubles in foreign journey.
Suffering from fever in his Antar Dasha.
Worship of Lord Shiva is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects.
General Interpretations
General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Mars are as follows :
There may be fear from those in authority, domestic quarrels, and enmity with spouse, children, and relatives is possible.
One may have to consume contaminated food.
There may be problems from thieves, fire, bondage, etc.
There may be pain due to acidity, blood infection and fever resulting in unconsciousness.
Specific Interpretations:
Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows :
During this period, pain may be caused due to conflicts with enemies and unhappiness due to mourning, fire and poison.
Pain in the eyes, kidneys and urinary organs may occur.
During this period one may suffer from pain, imprisonment and loss of wealth.
Extreme pain and suffering are foreseen.
One may have to move away from one's motherland due to some state displeasure and will be separated from spouse and friends.
During this period, enemies may surface suddenly, however they are defeated in the end.
Financial instability persists.
Fame in courageous deeds may be attained.
Some maternal relative may meet with an accident or may be in pain.
During the Maha Dasha of Mars, one's behaviour may not be up to the mark.
Worry due to expenditure, anxiety because of children and mental restlessness may prevail.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Mars
There may be differences with brothers and brothers may suffer pain.
There may be conflicts with enemies, destruction of enemies, increase of courage and valor.
Fear of king and obstacles in work may be possible.
Physical heat may increase and there may be pain due to vrana ailment and ailments caused by the blood acidity and burning sensation.
Effects like gains or wealth by the beneficence of the king (government), beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi, recovery of a lost kingdom (reinstatement in a high position)and of wealth, birth of a son.
Fulfillment of ambitions by the beneficence of the king (government ) and acquisition of a house, land cow, buffalo, etc.
Urinary troubles, wound danger from snakes and the king (government ) will be the results.
There will be mental agony and body pains.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Maha Dasha of Mars
There may be fear from the king, thieves, fire, weapons and enemies.
Wealth and food may be destroyed, elders and friends may be harmed and these may multiply problems.
There may be physical pain and ill deeds may be accomplished.
Effects like recognition from government, gain of house, land, etc., happiness from son, extraordinary profits in business, bathing in holy rivers like Gangas , and foreign journeys.
Danger from snakes, wounds, destruction of cattle, danger from animals, diseases due to imbalance of bile and wind, imprisonment, etc.
There will be loss of wealth.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Mars
Wealth and land may be attained by the king and Brahmins.
Illness may prevail, enlightenment, strength and valor may increase.
There may be enthusiasm in performing good deeds, faith and devotion in gods and interest in pilgrimages.
There may be bliss due to sons, friends and vehicles. Victory will be attained and respect and honor will be received from the people.
There may be a fear of ailments to the kidneys.
Effects like good reputation and renown, honors by government, increase in wealth and grains, happiness at home, gain of property, happiness from wife and children, etc.
Acquisition of a house, land , well being, gain of property, sound health, good reputation, gains of cattle , success in business, happiness to wife and children, reverence from government , gain of wealth etc.,
Danger from thieves, snakes, wrath of the king (government), bilious diseases, oppression by goblins ('Prot"), loss of servants and co-borns.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of Mars
Pain may be caused by wife, son and relatives and physical hardships may persist till death.
There may be obstacles related to wealth, loss in business, a lowly position in service and hardships due to transfers.
There may be fear due to enemies, thieves, kings, loss of wealth and problems related to domestic life.
Ailments may cause pain, anxiety and one may return to one's native place.
Effects like recognition from the king (government), increase in reputation, gain of wealth and grains, happiness from children and grand children, increase in the number of cows, etc.
Results will generally fructify on Saturday s in the month of Saturn
Danger from Yavana king (foreign dignitaries), loss of wealth, imprisonment, possibility of affliction with diseases, loss in agricultural production.
Effect like great danger, loss of life, wrath of king (government), mental agony, danger from thieves and fire, punishment by the king ( government), loss of co-borns, dissensions amongst members of the family, loss of cattle, fear of death, distress to wife and children, imprisonment , etc.
There will be journeys to foreign lands, loss of reputation, violent actions, loss from sale of agricultural lands, loss of position, agony, defeat in battle, urinary troubles, etc.
Effects like death, danger from the king (government) and thieves, rheumatism, pain, danger from the enemy and members of the family.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Mercury in the Maha Dasha of Mars
Wealth may be acquired from business and from vaishyas.
There may be happiness due to festivities, increase of houses, cows and grains.
There may be fear due to enemies, thieves, and king's mental agony and separation from wife , son and friends.
Relatives may be insulting and some wicked person may cause mental agony.
Effects like association with pious and holy persons, performance of Ajaya Japa, charities, observance of religious rites, gain of reputation, inclination towards diplomacy, availability of sweetish preparations, acquisition of conveyances, clothes and cattle, etc., conferment of authority in government), success in agricultural projects, etc.
Diseases of heart, imprisonment, loss of kinsmen, distress to wife and children, destruction of wealth and cattle, etc. will result
There will be journeys to foreign lands, increase in the number of enemies, affliction with many kind of ailments, antagonism with the king (government), quarrels with kinsmen etc.,
Fulfillment of all ambitions, gain of wealth and grains, recognition by the king(government), acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), gain of clothes and ornaments, attachment to many kind of musical instruments, attainment of the position of a commander of an army, discussions on Shastras and Puranas ( Vedic scripts), gain of riches to wife and children, and beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi.
Effects like defamation, sinful thinking, harsh speech, danger from thieves, fire, and the king (government), quarrels without reason, fear of attack by thieves and dacoits ( armed rubber bands) during travel.
There will be a possibility of critical illness.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Maha Dasha of Mars
Business may be negative and there may be loss of wealth.
Friends and brothers may cause pain, wife and children may suffer hardships & there may be enmity towards wicked people.
There may be agony due to stomach ailments and sudden pain due to fire or weapons.
Beneficence of the king (government), gain of wealth, little gains of land at the commencement of the Dasha and substantial later, birth of a son, conferment of authority by government, gain of cattle, etc.
Birth of a son, increase in reputation , beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi, gains of wealth from employees, attainment of the position of a commander of an army, friendship with the king ( cordial relations with high government officials), performance of oblations, gains of clothes and ornaments.
Effects like quarrels, tooth trouble, distress from thieves and tigers, fever, dysentery leprosy, and distress to wife and children, etc.
Diseases, disgrace, agony and loss of wealth
Effects of Antar Dasha of Venus in the Maha Dasha of Mars
One may be inclined to do many types of business.
Wealth may be attained from friends and happiness may prevail.
Wife will be endowed with clothes, ornaments and vehicles.
Money may be spent excessively and migration.
Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), great enjoyment and comfort of luxuries, gain of elephants, horses, clothes, etc.
Happiness of wife and children, opulence and glory, and increased good fortune.
Gain of property, celebrations on the birth of a son, gain of wealth from the employer, acquisition of a house, land, villages, etc. b the beneficence of the sovereign.
In the last part of the Dasha there will be functions of songs and dances and bathing in holy water.
Construction of wells, reservoirs, etc, and performance of religious, charitable and pious deeds.
There will be sorrows, physical distress, loss of wealth, danger from thieves, and the king ( government), dissensions in the family, distress to wife and children and destruction of cattle.
Pains in the body in his Antar Dasha.
For regaining good health, the remedial measure to be adopted is giving a cow or female buffalo in charity.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Mars
Victory and honor will be received from the state.
Valor and influences increase and there may be success in debates.
Wealth may be gained and there may be desire to roam around.
Father may suffer pain, there may be enmity towards paternal relatives and dear ones may cause sufferings.
Effects like acquisition of conveyances, gain of reputation, birth of a son, growth of wealth, amicable atmosphere in the family , sound health, potency, recognition by the king (government) , extraordinary profits in business, and audience with the king ( meeting with high officials of the government), etc.
Distress to the body, agony, failure in ventures, possibilities of suffering from troubles in the forehead, fever, dysentery, etc.
There will be attacks of fever, danger from snakes and poison and distress to son.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Mars
A high position and state honor may be received.
Ornaments, wealth and jewels may be gained.
One will meet friends and receive help and worldly comforts from them.
Desire will be fulfilled and there may be auspicious events everyday.
Laziness and cough ailment may afflict the body.
Acquisition of more kingdom ( promotion to a higher position in government)
Gain of perfumes, clothes, construction of reservoirs, shelters for cows, etc.
Celebrations of auspicious functions like marriage , etc. happiness to wife and children, good relations with parents.
Acquisition of property by the beneficence of the sovereign, success in the desired projects.
Since the Moon is waxing, the good effects will be realized in full.
Since the Moon is waning, the impact of the effects are reduced to some extent.
The effects like death, distress to wife and children loss of lands, wealth and cattle, and danger of a war, etc.
General Interpretations
General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Jupiter are as follows:
During the Maha Dasha of Jupiter, the desired fruits are attained from those in positions of authority.
Interest in worship of god, religion, study of Veda, Puranas, shastras and performing yagyas, etc. prevails.
One may keep the company of good people, saints, be devoted to elders and may perform pious deeds.
Respect in the community and leadership is attained.
One may be skilled in the knowledge of the past and future
One may be endowed with land, clothes and vehicles.
Wealth may be acquired.
During the Maha Dasha of Jupiter, some very good job or position involving authority and domination may be acquired.
In the end , wealth, honour from the king and opportunities for undertaking long travels may be attained.
However, mental anxiety may cause physical pain.
Moderate amount of wealth, some fame, some patience and bliss may be attained during the Maha Dasha of Jupiter.
Thieves may cause loss of wealth.
There may be friendship with the those in high places and success in arguments.
Happiness from good friends, good clothes, spouse, children, and wealth. This Maha Dasha is very auspicious. It brings respect from friends and possession of vehicles.
Yagyas and weddings and other auspicious events bring happiness.
Wealth and kingdom may be attained.
Friendship with rich and powerful people is possible.
Job and vehicle may be attained.
Bliss from spouse, children and friends is possible.
Birth of a child is foreseen.
High position, service, respect and authority are attained during the Maha Dasha of Jupiter.
Friendship with big people, name and leadership in the family are foreseen.
Gain, prosperity and happiness are attained from the those in high places.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter
Enthusiasm and physical enlightenment will prevail.
Educational and scientific knowledge will be attained. Fame and position will be acquired through education.
One will enjoy the king's favor , prosperity , respect, good habits and good fortune.
All work will be successfully accomplished, bliss of children will prevail and there will be monetary gains of many types.
Sovereignty over many kings, very well endowed with riches, reversed by the king, gains of cattle, clothes ornaments, conveyances.
Construction of a new house, and a decent mansion, opulence and glory, dawn of fortune, success in ventures, meetings with Brahmins and the king, extraordinary profits from the employer and happiness of wife and children.
Association with the menials, great distress, slander by coparceners, wrath of the employer, separation from wife and children, and loss of wealth an grains.
There will be pains in the body.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter
There is a possibility of physical weakness, a jealous mentality and internal unhappiness.
Work and business may suffer, wealth, religion and fame will be harmful. Bed addictions may develop and one may have illicit relations with other women.
There may be pain due to fever and excessive expenditure.
Effects like acquisition of a kingdom ( attainment of a high position in government), gain of clothes, ornaments, wealth, grains, conveyances, cattle, and position, happiness from son and friends, etc., gains specially of a blue coloured horse, journey to the West, audience with the king, and receipt of wealth from him.
Loss of wealth, affliction with fever, mental agony, infliction of wounds to wife and children, inauspicious events at home, loss of cattle and employment, antagonism with kinsmen, etc.
There will be gain of land, house, son, and cattle, acquisition of riches and property through the enemy etc.
Effects like loss of wealth, antagonistic relations with kinsmen, obstacles in industrial ventures, pains in the body, danger from the members of the family, etc., will be realised.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Mercury the Maha Dasha of Jupiter
Faith in God and acquiring knowledge of the yogas is predicted.
One may be honored by scholars and interest in good deeds may arise, work efficiency increases.
Happiness increases due to the king's favor and wealth may be attained through business and because of one's wife.
One may be endowed with vehicles, temples may be built and the bliss of friends, wife and son prevails.
Long journeys may be undertaken and the mind may be energetic. Headaches and fear of restlessness may prevail.
Effects like gains of wealth, bodily felicity, acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in the government), gain of conveyances, clothes, and cattle etc.
There will be loss of wealth, journeys to foreign countries, danger from thieves while traveling, wounds, burning sensations, eye troubles, wanderings in foreign lands.
Distress without reason, anger, loss of cattle , loss in business.
There will be enjoyment, gains of wealth conveyances and clothes at the commencement of the Antar Dasha.
At the end of the Dasha, however, there will be loss of wealth and bodily distress.
There will be loss of wealth, journeys to foreign countries, danger from thieves while traveling, wounds, burning sensations, eye troubles, wandering in foreign lands.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Ketu the Maha Dasha of Jupiter
There is a possibility of loss of position, wandering and instability.
There may be disagreement with relatives, sons and brothers may suffer and public opinion may be opposing .
Elders may suffer due to conflicts, the king's anger and loss of wealth and ailments may prevail.
There may be fear of injury, harm due to servants and mental agony.
Moderate enjoyment, moderate gain of wealth, coarse food or food given by others food given at the time of death ceremonies and acquisition of wealth though undesirable means.
Effects like loss of wealth by the wrath of the king, imprisonment, diseases, loss of physical strength, antagonism with father and brother and mental agony.
Acquisition of a palanquin ( motor car), elephants, etc. beneficence of the king success in the desired spheres, profit in business, increase in the number of cattle, gain of wealth, clothes etc., from a Yavana King (Muslim dignitary).
There will be physical distress.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Venus the Maha Dasha of Jupiter
One may be inclined towards religious deeds and service of good people.
Happiness due to excellent education and the company of scholars may prevail.
The government will be favourable and wealth, vehicles and royal symbols are attained.
Women may cause pain and loss of wealth, there may be enmity with people, separation from friends and one may be addicted to bad habits.
Gastric ailments, conflicts and mental anxiety are possible.
Effects like acquisition of conveyances like palanquin, elephants, etc., gain of wealth by the beneficence of the king ( govt.) enjoyment, gain of blue and red articles, extraordinary income from journeys to the East, well being in the family, happiness from parents, devotion to deities, construction of reservoirs, charities , etc.
Evil effects like quarrels, antagonism with kinsmen, distress to wife and children.
There will be quarrels, danger from the king (government), antagonism with the wife, disputes with the father in law and with brothers, loss of wealth, etc.,
There will be gain of wealth, happiness from wife, meeting with the king (high governmental officials), increase in the number of children, conveyances and cattle, enjoyment of music, society with men of learning, availability of sweetish preparation, giving help and assistance to kinsmen, etc.
Loss of wealth, antagonism with wife, etc.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Sun Maha Dasha of Jupiter
Authority and respect may be attained from the king. Some respectable title may also be fortunately received.
Friendship with good people, increase of enlightenment and valor and domination over the nation and public are possible.
Bliss of children, progress of children, journeys to religious places and increase in fame are possible.
Happiness increase, enthusiasm prevails and wealth and many things are attained.
Enemies will be won over and good health prevails.
Gain of wealth, reverence, happiness and acquisition of conveyances, clothes, ornaments, etc., birth of children, cordial relations with the king (government), success in ventures, etc.
Effect like nervous disorder, fever, laziness or reluctance in the performance of good deeds, indulgence in sin, antagonistic attitude towards all, separation from kinsmen, and distress without reason.
There will be physical distress.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Moon Maha Dasha of Jupiter
Some royal symbol may be acquired and the kings favor may add to the happiness.
Friendship with king and high officials and frame and status are acquired.
Bliss of women, wealth due to women, ornaments and good clothes will be attained.
Wealth and fame are enhanced due to superior knowledge.
Good fortune of possessing land, property house and vehicles prevails.
Effects like reverence from the king (government), opulence and glory, happiness from wife and children, availability of good food, gain of reputation by performance of good deeds, increase in the number of children and grand children, comforts by the beneficence of the king ( government), religious and charitable inclinations.
There will be loss of wealth and kinsmen, wanderings in foreign lands, dander from the king ( government) thieves, quarrels with co-parceners, separation from a maternal uncle, distress to mother, etc.
Physical distress will be experienced
Effects of Antar Dasha of Mars Maha Dasha of Jupiter
Valor increases and success in arguments and disputes is attained.
Fame may be attained in the work-sphere and wife and son may bring happiness.
Physical strength wanes, there is a lack of enthusiasm, pain due to fever and fear due to enemies and venereal diseases may be caused.
Effects like the celebration of functions such as marriage, etc., gain of land or villages, growth of strength and valor, and success in all ventures.
There will be gain of wealth and grains, availability of good sweetish preparations, pleasure of the king (government), happiness from wife and children and other auspicious effects.
Loss of wealth and house, eye trouble and other inauspicious effects will be the results.
The effects will be particularly adverse at the commencement of the Antar Dasha.
There will be some mitigation of evil effects later.
There will be physical distress and mental agony.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Rahu Maha Dasha of Jupiter
There may be unnecessary enmity and opposition with friends and brothers.
There is a fear of many types of conflict and upheavals.
There may be pain to children & long journeys.
Wealth may decrease and there is fear of death or its equivalent.
Effects like attachment to Yog, gain of wealth and grains during the first five months, sovereignty over a village or country, meeting with a foreign king ( high dignitary).
Well being in family, journeys to distant lands, bathing in holy places.
Danger from thieves, snakes, the king ( government), wounds, troubles in domestic affairs, antagonism with co-borns, and coparceners, bad dreams, quarrels without reason, danger from diseases, etc.
There will be physical distress.
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VENUS MAHA DASHA General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Venus are as follows : During this period one may be endowed with jewels, ornaments and clothes. One may be blessed with spouse, children, wealth, prosperity, clothes and state honors. Interest in education, singing and dance may increase. One may be good natured and charitable. Skill in trading, profits in business and new ventures may commence. During the dasha of Venus, one may acquire vehicles, have children and inherit the accumulated wealth of ancestors. During the Maha Dasha of a weak Venus, there may be domestic quarrels, weakness due to ailments related to gastric and cough problem There maybe mental restlessness, friendship and occasional opposition from lowly people.
Specific Interpretations: Interpretations based on the conditions of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows - Those in high position maybe favourable and may grant honors. One may be endowed with royal comforts, vehicles and animals. There will be plenty of servants. During this period there may be a loss of wealth, defame and constant unhappiness. There may be conflicts with women, migration and suspension due to lack of work. There may be many problems and fear due to thieves, those in high position, and fire. Agriculture, land and animals may be destroyed. In the beginning one may have to work hard to progress and wealth may be spent on pious deeds. At the end, wealth, honour and success in industry will be attained. One may be endowed with a good voice, good food, and happiness. One may be benevolent and those in high places may be favourable. One may be interested in poetry, arts and humor. Friendships with scholars ,and an inclination to write a book may prevail. There may be progress in business, gain of wealth, enthusiasm and happiness. One may be eager to travel abroad.
Fame and gain maybe attained at work and business. There will be interest in arts, crafts and music, friendship with women and the bliss of their company. Wealth may be attained, worldly comforts may be acquired and fame may be enhanced. Gain of wealth, cattle, etc., through Brahmins, celebration in connection with the birth of a son, well-being, recognition from the king (government), acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government.) Construction of a new house, availability of sweet preparations, happiness of wife and children, companionship with the friend, giving grains, etc. in charity, beneficence of the king (government), gain of clothes, conveyances and ornaments, success in business, increase in the number of cattle, gain of garments by performing journeys in the western direction, etc. There will be acquisition of a kingdom (high position in government), enthusiasm, beneficence of the king (government). Well being in the family, increase in the number of wives, children, and wealth, etc. Danger from thieves etc., antagonistic relations with government officials, destruction of friends and kinsmen, distress of wife and children
Fear from the king & obstacles in government work are possible. There may be physical hardships and ailments related to the head, eyes, chest and stomach. There may be conflicts with friends and loss of wealth, agricultural yields and animals. Enemies may increase and poverty may prevail. Fear of pain because of infertile wife or wicked person or due to imprisonment is possible. There will be a period of agony, wrath of the king (government), quarrels with the coparceners, etc. Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), and wealth, happiness from wife and children, happiness from employer, meeting with friends, happiness from parents, marriage, name and fame, betterment of fortune, birth of a son, etc. Distress, agony, distress to members of the family, harsh language, distress to father, loss of kinsmen, wrath of the king (government), danger at home, many diseases, destruction of agricultural production. The period will not be very favourable for health in general
Loss of health, pain in the head and nails, acidity, venereal diseases etc. may cause pain. There may be quarrels. There may be victory in conflicts, sufficient gain in business and gain of wealth from women. Interest in the worships of gods and pious deeds like fire worship and oblation may be performed. Enemies may cause pain, happiness may be lacking and tigers and other animals may give cause fear. Gain of wealth, conveyances, clothes by the beneficence of the king, happiness in the family, great opulence and glory, devotion to deities and Brahmins. In the above circumstances, there will also be association with musicians and men of learning , and receiving of decoration, gain of cows, buffaloes and other cattle, abnormal profits in business, dining with brothers, etc. Loss of wealth, fears, physical distress, agony, wrath of the king (government), journeys to foreign lands or pilgrimage, distress to wife and children and separation from kinsmen. There will be sovereignty over a province or village by the beneficence of the king (government), clothes, etc., construction of a reservoir, increase in wealth, etc. There will be physical fitness at the commencement of the Antar Dasha and Physical problems towards the end of the dasha. VENUS- MARS Enthusiasm increases and interest in courageous deeds may arise.
The wife may suffer harm.
Sudden fear, loss of wealth and insult are possible.
A lot of work will be accomplished and authority may be acquired.
One may become the head of a town or village and attain a high position. Land, wealth and house will be attained. Friends will progress. Inclination in immoral deeds may prevail. One may fall in love with an elder women. Laziness and excessive expenditure is possible. Enemies are destroyed and children suffer pain. Effects like great enjoyments, visits of friends and kinsmen, recognition from the king ( government), birth of a daughter, visit to holy places and sacred shrines conferment of authority of the king ( government). There will be lethargy and more expenditure than income, if Saturn is in his Debilitation Rashi. Many kinds of distresses and troubles at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, like stress to parents, wife and children, going away to foreign lands, losses in profession, destruction of cattle, etc. There will be physical distress
There may be friendship with the king and honor may be received from him. Gain of wealth is possible from business of trees, fruits and animals. Valor is enhanced and interest in performing bold deeds exist. Bliss of wife, children, friends, prosperity and wealth prevails. The mind is firm and the body is healthy. Effects like dawn of fortune, birth of a son, gain of wealth through judgement of court, listening to stories from the Puranas, association with persons competent in poetry, etc., visit of close friends, happiness from employer, availability of sweetish preparation, etc. There will be agony, loss of cattle, residence in other peoples house, and losses in business. There will be some good effects at the commencement, moderate in the middle portion and distress from fever etc. at the end of the Antar Dasha. There will be physical distress.
VENUS- KETU There may be defame in government work and loss of wealth. The mind may be restless and unstable and physical hardships are foreseen. There may be conflicts with friends and brothers or ones brother may come to harm. Enemies may cause pain and there may be a shortage of money. Auspicious effects like availability of sweetish preparation, abnormal gains in profession and increase in cattle wealth. There will be definite victory in war at the end of the Antar Dasha. Moderate results will be experienced in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha, and sometimes there will also be the feeling of distress. There will be danger from snakes, thieves and wounds, loss of power of thinking headache, agony, quarrels without any cause or reason, diabetes, excessive expenditure, antagonism with wife and children, going away to foreign land, loss in venture. There will be physical distress. |
Saturn Dasa
General Interpretations
General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Saturn are as follows :
During the Maha Dasha of Saturn, some sort of authority in the city, village or society may be acquired.
One may become the leader of a lowly community.
Modesty, intelligence and knowledge is enhanced, inclination towards charity and skilled in arts and crafts.
Happiness may be gained from the acquisition of some ancient place.
One may be endowed with vehicles, clothes, gold and wealth.
Faith in God and interest in the construction of temples may prevail.
One may bring name and fame to the family.
Bliss of the family, increase of valour prevails and journeys are undertaken.
There may be gains from animals, camels, asses, goats, birds, old ladies and coarse grains.
Specific Interpretations:
Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows :
During the Maha Dasha of Saturn , one may acquire the leadership of villages, cities and countries.
One's father may be harmed or may expire and there may be enmity with friends.
During the Maha Dasha of Saturn, wealth, spouse, children, siblings and servants maybe harmed.
Bad feed maybe consumed and one may be defamed.
When Saturn is strong :
During the Maha Dasha of Saturn, there is an increase in happiness and fame.
Land may be lost and there may be opposition with servants, spouse, children and siblings.
There may be fear of demotion or suspension and imprisonment by the government.
When Saturn is cruel, ' drashkanastha', then
During the Maha Dasha of Saturn, there may be restlessness and fear of the powerful, thieves, fire and poison.
There may be opposition from relatives, domestic crisis and disagreement with workers.
There may be loss of wealth, fear from those in high places, mental unrest and ailments related to eyes and kidney may happen.
The spouse may suffer and elders in the family may be in pain.
State authority , honour and progress at work are foreseen.
Immovable assets, jewels, ornaments and wealth will be attained.
Vehicles, servants and objects of comfort will be attained.
Vehicles, servants and objects of comfort will be attained.
Sympathy in the mind is aroused.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Saturn Maha Dasha of Saturn
Physical lethargy and lack of enthusiasm prevails.
Obstacles at work, shortage of money, migration and indebtedness may occur.
Gastric problems, ailments and anger caused by price and jealousy are possible.
Kings and thieves may be responsible for destruction of wealth & prosperity.
One may become imprudent due to ones wife, there may be conflicts with children and many problems and hardships may prevail.
Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), happiness from wife and children, acquisition of conveyances like elephants, gain of clothes , attainment of the position of a commander of the army by the beneficence of the king, acquisition of cattle, villages, and land, etc.
Fear or danger from the king (government), getting inflicted with injuries with some weapon, bleeding gums, dysentery, etc., will be the evil effects at the commencement of the Dasha.
There will be danger from thieves etc., going away from the homeland, mental agony, etc., in the middle portion of the Dasha. The last part of the Dasha will yield beneficial result.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Mercury Maha Dasha of Saturn
Status is attained in the royal court and promotion is attained.
Success in business & trade, and gain of wealth is possible.
One may derive pleasure from the company of scholars, interest in pious deeds increases and friends are beneficial.
Wife and sons cause happiness, vehicles, fame and name are attained, good fortune is enhanced.
Cough and cold may cause physical pain.
Effects like reverence from the people, good reputation, gain of wealth , comforts of conveyances, etc.
Inclination towards performance of religious sacrifices ( Yagya's), Raj Yog, bodily felicity, enthusiasm, well being in the family, pilgrimage to holy places, performance of religious rites, listening to Puranas ( Vedic scriptures), charities, availability of sweetish preparations, etc.
Acquisition of a kingdom ( attainment of a high position in Government), gain of wealth, headship of a village will be the effects at the commencement of the Dasha.
Affliction with diseases, failure in all ventures, anxiety and feeling of danger, etc. will be experienced in the middle portion and in the last part of the Dasha.
There will be physical distress.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Ketu Maha Dasha of Saturn
Fear of imprisonment prevails and unhappy circumstances may arise.
Conflict with lowly and wicked people and separation from wife and son are possible.
Loss of wealth, bad dreams and fear of ailments caused by gas etc., are possible.
Evil effects like loss of position, dangers, poverty, distress, foreign journeys, etc.
There will be gain of wealth and enjoyment and bathing in holy places and visit to a sacred shrine at the commencement of the Antar Dasha.
Gain of physical strength and courage, religious thoughts, audience with the king (high dignitaries of government like: president, prime minister, governor, ministers), and all kinds of enjoyments.
Fear of coarse food, cold fever, dysentery, wounds, danger from thieves, separation from wife and children etc.
There will be physical distress.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Venus Maha Dasha of Saturn
Both auspicious and inauspicious fruits are attained.
Fame in the village or country, wife, children, ornaments and wealth are attained.
Happiness from agriculture, affection towards friends and love for the people, bliss from son, destruction of enemies and enlightenment due to fame is possible.
Effects like marriage, birth of a son, gain of wealth, sound health, well being in the family.
Acquisition of a kingdom ( attainment of high position in government), enjoyment by the beneficence of the king ( government), honours.
Gain of clothes, ornaments, conveyance and other desired objects.
If during the period of Antar Dasha of Venus, Jupiter is favourable in transit, there will be dawn fortune and growth of property.
If Saturn is favourable in transit, there will be Raj Yog effect or the accomplishment of Yog rites ('Yog Triya Siddhi').
Distress of wife, loss of position, mental agony, quarrels with close relations, etc.
Fulfillment of ambitions by the beneficence of the king, charities, performance of religious rites, creation of interest in the study of Shastras, composition of poems, interest in Vedanta, etc., listening to Puranas, happiness from wife and children.
There will be eye trouble, fevers, loss of good conduct, dental problems, heart disease, pain in arms, danger from drowning or falling from at tree, antagonism towards relations, with the officials of government and brothers.
There will be physical distress
Effects of Antar Dasha of Sun Maha Dasha of Saturn
There is possibility of physical pain and mental agony
Indefinite circumstances, sudden events, public criticism and defame are possible.
There may be pain to wife, son and friends, enemies may be created and one may have to wander uselessly.
There may be a loss of wealth, pain due to thieves and king and ailments related to appetite, heart and eyes.
Effects like good relations with one's employer, well being in the family, happiness from children, gain of conveyances and cattle, etc.
There will be heart disease, defamation, loss of position, mental agony, separation from close relatives, obstacles in industrial ventures, fevers, fears loss of kinsmen, loss of articles dear to the person.
There will be physical distress
Effects of Antar Dasha of Moon Maha Dasha of Saturn
Lack of enthusiasm, mental agony, anger and outrage may increase.
There may be disagreements with friends, constant conflicts, hardships due to children and harm caused by hidden enemies.
Wife may expire or separate or may suffer pain equivalent to death. Happiness may be disturbed.
Gastric problems or venereal diseases may cause pain.
Effects like gains of conveyance, garments, ornaments, improvement of fortune and enjoyments, taking care of brothers, happiness in both maternal and paternal homes increase in cattle wealth, etc.
There will be great distress, wrath, separation from parents, ill health of children, losses in business, irregular meals, administration of medicines.
There will , however be good effects and some gain of wealth at the commencement of the Antar Dasha.
Enjoyment of conveyances and garments, happiness from kinsmen, happiness from parents, wife, employers, etc.
Effects like sleepiness, lethargy, loss of position, loss of enjoyments, increase in the number of enemies, antagonism with kinsmen, will be experienced.
There will be lethargy and physical distress.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Mars Maha Dasha of Saturn
The body may suffer pain due to some serious ailments.
Brothers may be in pain, friends may be jealous, wife and son may be separated and pain due to children may occur.
There may be loss of position, demotion, losses in business and work or ordinary gains.
Fear of many types may prevail and friends and status may be harmed.
Effects like enjoyments, gain of wealth, reverence from the king (government), gain of conveyances, clothes a ornaments, attainment of the position of a commander of the Army, increase in agricultural and cattle wealth, construction of a new house, happiness of kinsmen, will be derived from the very commencement of the Antar Dasha of Mars in the Dasha Saturn.
There will be loss of wealth, danger of wounds, danger from thieves, snakes, weapons, gout and other similar disease, distress to father and brothers, quarrels with co-partners, loss of kinsmen, coarse food, going away to foreign lands, unnecessary expenditure etc.
Great distress, dependence on others and fear.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Rahu Maha Dasha of Saturn
Inspite of excessive effort and struggle, gains may be very little.
There may be shortage of mental enthusiasm and anxiety related to worldly comforts.
Quarrels with friends, pain due to enemies and unhappiness due to friends may be possible.
Physical ailments like gastric attacks, fever etc. are possible.
Effects like quarrels, mental agony, physical distress, agony, antagonism with the sons, danger from diseases, unnecessary expenditure, discord with close relations, danger from the government, foreign journeys, loss of house and agricultural lands.
Enjoyment, gain of wealth, increase in agricultural production, devotion in deities and Brahmins, pilgrimage to holy places, increase in cattle wealth, well-being in the family will be the results at the commencement of the Antar Dasha.
There will be cordiality with the king and happiness from friends in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha.
There will be acquisition of elephants, opulence, and glory, cordial relations with the king (government), gain of valuable clothes.
There will be physical distress.
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MERCURY MAHA DASHA General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Mercury are as follows : One may acquire money through contacts with big people, various enterprises, friends and family members. Excellence in education, skills in speech and crafts and love for music may prevail. Love and respect for teachers, elders and scholars may increase. Interest in construction and gain of new clothes and ornaments is possible. Money may be attained through trading gold. Opportunities for acting as an arbitrator or middleman may arise. Life will be passed happily in humor, fun and play. Public importance and fame may increase. Happiness from spouse and children may be derived. Gastric problems may persist.
Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows : Fear of enemies and those in high places may prevail. Hardships for spouse and children is possible. One may attain food through service of those who do not have a family. Disinterest in studies may arise. Destruction of auspicious deeds and the advent of sorrow and unhappiness are foreseen. There may be obstacles in celebrating festivities, opposition with dear ones and lack of enterprise. Inclination towards sinful deeds and harm to wealth, land, agriculture and cows may occur. Trouble may come in many forms. There is mental unhappiness, enmity with the family and state, and public criticism. Eye ailments are possible. Attaining fame and education may enhance state honour, respect and valor. Laziness, physical hardships, ailments loss of appetite, ear problems, etc. may prevail during the Maha Dasha of Mercury. There may be a possibility of migration or transfer. Brothers may be harmed but respect may be attained from those in position of authority. During this period enthusiasm in business prevails and wealth through art and poetry is possible. Friendship with new people and opposition with old friends is possible. There is a possibility of residence abroad, and hurdles to happiness, anxiety and worry prevail.
Interest in arts and crafts, increase of education and knowledge is possible. One may attain beautiful clothes, attain wealth and worldly comforts. Wealth may be attained from friends and Brahmins and all work may be financially profitable. One may attain the bliss of children, friends and the affection of relatives. Gain of jewels like pearls, etc., learning, increase in happiness and performance of pious deeds, success in the educational sphere, acquisition of name and fame, meeting with new kings ( high dignitaries), gain of wealth, and happiness from wife children and parents. There will be loss of wealth and cattle, antagonism with kinsmen, diseases like stomach pains, piety in discharging duties as a government officials. Distress to wife, death of members of the family, affliction with diseases like rheumatism and stomach pains, etc.
The mind may be mislead, there may be a lack of enthusiasm and many problems may occur. Industry and valor may suffer, physical pain and loss of wealth is possible.
Effects like physical fitness, little gain of wealth affectionate relations with kinsmen, increase in cattle wealth, income from industries, success in educational sphere, acquisition of name and fame, honours audience with the king, and joining a banquet with him, comforts of clothes etc., will be experienced. Fall from a conveyance, distress to son, danger from the king (government), indulgence in sinful deeds, danger from scorpions, etc., quarrels with the menials, sorrow, diseases and association with menials, etc. There will be physical distress.
There is faith in god and elders, hospitality of scholars and quests. One may be inclined towards charity and religion. Status and work may yield financial gains due to education. One may be endowed with many types of clothes, ornaments, children and increase in fame. According to a scholar, there may be pain due to hard work and headaches. Effects like inclination to perform religious rites, fulfillment of all ambitions through the help of the king (government) and friends, gains of agricultural lands, and happiness, etc. There will be acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), gain of wealth and property, construction of a reservoir, readiness to give charities and to perform religious rites, extraordinary gain of wealth and gains in business. Heart diseases, defamation, fevers, dysentery, separation from kinsmen, physical distress and agony.
Success in government work and state honors may be attained. One may be endowed with horses, elephants, vehicles, ornaments, jewels and clothes. Fame, wealth, prosperity and all types of happiness may be attained. Birth of a son and interest in religious deeds is possible. Ailments , eye problems, transfer or migration may occur. Effects like dawn of fortune by the beneficence of the king (high government officials), happiness from friends, etc. There will be acquisition of land. Comforts of good food, and clothes if such a Sun receives a drishti from Lagn's lord. Fear or danger from thieves, fire and weapons, bilious troubles, headache, mental agony, and separation from friends.
MERCURY-MOON There is a possibility of physical pain, skin ailments and acidity. All work may suffer, many problems may arise and enemies may cause pain. Vehicles and four legged animals may cause harm, hardships may be experienced during journeys, children may cause pain or dead child may be born. Very beneficial effects will come to pass Marriage, birth of a son, and gain of clothes and ornaments. Construction of a new house, availability of sweetish preparations, enjoyment of music, study of Shastras journey to the South, gains of clothes from beyond the seas, gain of gems like pearls, etc. There will be physical distress. At the commencement of the Antar Dasha there will be visits to sacred shrines, patience, enthusiasm, and gains of wealth from foreign countries. Danger from the king, fire and thieves, defamation or disgrace and loss of wealth on account of wife, destruction of agricultural lands and cattle, etc. There will be physical distress.
Pain caused by wife, son and friends. There may be obstacles in official work and expenditure maybe excessive. There may be mental anguish, fear of injury on wound due to weapons and addiction for bad habits. There may be fear of gastric problems, eye ailments, blood infection and venereal diseases. Effects like well being and enjoyments in the family by the beneficence of the king (government), increase in property, recovery of a lost kingdom, etc., (reinstatement in a high position in government), birth of a son, satisfaction, acquisition of cattle , conveyances, and agricultural lands, happiness from wife, etc. Physical distress, mental agony, obstacles in industrial ventures, loss of wealth, gout, distress from wounds, and danger from weapons and fever, etc. There will be gain of wealth, physical felicity, birth of a son, good reputation affectionate relations, etc., with kinsmen, etc. Distress, danger from kinsmen, wrath of the king, and fire, antagonism with the son, loss of position, at the commencement of the Antar Dasha. Enjoyments and gains of wealth in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha. Danger from the king ( government) and loss of position at the end of the Antar Dasha.
One may be mentally upset and there may be a sudden loss of wealth. There may be conflicts with dear ones, sudden trouble may be caused and an inclination towards untruthful behaviour may be there. There may be cause for occasional defame. There may be fear of fire poison, water and pain in the abdomen, eyes and head. Effects like reverence from the king (government), good reputation, gain of wealth, visits to sacred shrines, performance of religious sacrifices and oblations, recognition, gain of clothes, etc. There will be some evil effects at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, but all will be well later. There will be an opportunity to have conversation or a meeting with the king (high dignitaries). There will be a visit to a new king (dignitary). Pressure of hard work as a government functionary, loss of position, fears, imprisonment, diseases, agony to self and kinsmen, heart disease, loss of reputation and wealth, will be the results.
One may be inclined towards pious deeds, spiritual knowledge may increase. There may be gain in status, honors may be received from the state and pious habits like modesty and purity may be enhanced. Children and wealth may increase. Wife and son may cause bliss. Elders and friends may be troubled. There may be conflicts with parents. Effects like physical felicity, gain of wealth, beneficence of the king, celebration of auspicious functions like marriage etc., at home, availability of sweetish preparations, increase in cattle wealth, attending discourses on Puranas (religious scriptures,) etc. devotion to deities and the preceptor, interest in religion, charities, etc., worship of Lord Shiva, etc. Discord with king and kinsmen, danger from thieves, etc. death of parents, disgrace punishment from government, loss of wealth, danger from snakes and poison, fever, losses in agricultural production, loss of lands etc. There will be happiness from kinsmen and from one's son , enthusiasm, increase in wealth and name and fame, giving grains, etc., in charity Agony, anxiety, danger from diseases, antagonism with wife and kinsmen, wrath of the king (government), quarrels, loss of wealth, danger from Brahmins (wrath of Brahmins). There will be physical distress.
There may be an increase in valor and arts and crafts may be profitable. Love of friends, wealth, sympathy, religion and pious deeds may be enhanced. Laziness may increase and there may be an inclination towards other women and secretive and sinful deeds. Happiness may be derived from simple people. There may be agricultural losses and pain due to gastric ailments. Effects like well-being in the family, acquisition of a kingdom( attainment of a high position in government), enthusiasm, increase in cattle wealth, gain of a position, visits to sacred shrines, etc. Danger from enemies, distress to wife and children, loss of thinking power, loss of kinsmen, loss in ventures, mental agony, journeys to foreign lands, and bad dreams |
General Interpretations
General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Rahu are as follows :
There may be unhappiness due to various reasons, physical hardships and a state of mindlessness may prevail.
There may be fear from thieves, powerful persons, poison and weapons.
Children may suffer and separation from children and dear ones may cause unhappiness.
One may fear insult and defame from lowly people .
Some ill deed may cause defame.
There may be a change of job, and residence abroad is possible.
Diseases may cause pain and one may be inclined towards quarreling.
Rahu will give excellent results.
During the excellent Maha Dasha of Rahu, one may attain wealth and there will be an advent of money and religious inclinations.
Pious deeds are performed.
The Dasha of Rahu normally last for 18 years.
The 6th and 8th years are the most painful ones.
Rahu is exalted in Taurus, Gemini (according to a different viewpoint), and a Mool Trikona in Cancer, Aquarius and a friendly planet in Aries.
Specific Interpretations:
Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows :
One may suffer due to weakness, venereal diseases, cough, asthma and urinary ailments.
There may be fear due to the powerful, cheating by thieves and destruction of one's family.
During this period one may have to earn a living by having a lowly job or business.
Good food may not be available and one's spouse and son may behave wickedly.
Fear of those in authority, upheavals in business and loss of job is possible.
There may be fear of fire, thieves, ailments and harm to religion and work.
There may be physical weakness, conflicts in the community, fear of those in high places, enemies and thieves.
Ailments due to cough and urinary problems may arise.
Mental agony, enmity with relatives and cheating by friends is possible.
There may be disagreement with family members, one's spouse and children may be ailing.
One's mother may suffer pain.
Fear and anger of those in high places, problems due to immovable assets and anxiety related to house and land are possible.
There may be loss of wealth and injury or fall from a vehicle.
A high position may be attained and one may be honored in parliament or in huge gatherings and become famous.
One may be endowed with children, spouse and vehicles.
There may be occasional hurdles and problems in progress
Effects of Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Maha Dasha of Rahu
The mind may be misled and mental tension increases.
Family members like father and brothers may be harmed, wife may be ailing and conflicts are possible.
Loss of wealth, sorrow, ailments, poison and fear of poisonous being prevails, wicked people may cause agony.
Good fortune is possible, away from ones native place and one may have to travel far.
Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), enthusiasm, and cordial relations with the king (government), happiness from wife and children, and increase in property.
There will be danger from thieves, distress from wounds, antagonism with government officials, destruction of kinsmen, distress to wife and children.
There will be distress and diseases.
To obtain relief from the above evil effects Rahu should be worshipped (by recitation of his mantras) and by giving in charity things connected with or ruled by Rahu.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Rahu
Interest in worshipping God and in superior shastras arise.
One may undertake religious pilgrimages, seek the company of sages and perform pious, religious deeds.
Fame may be attained in knowledge, friendship with officials, bliss of children and sufficient wealth may be attained.
Ailments and enemies may be overcome, good health and enthusiasm prevails.
Effects like gain of position, patience, destruction or foes, enjoyment, cordial relations with the king (government), regular increase in wealth and property like the growth of Moon of the bright half of the month ( Shukla Paksh), gain of conveyance and cows.
Audience with the king ( high government officials) by performing journey to the West or South East, success in the desired ventures, return to one's homeland, doing good for Brahmins, visit to holy places.
Gain of a village, devotion to deities and Brahmins, happiness from wife, children, and grand children, availability of sweetish preparations daily.
Loss of wealth, obstacles in work defamation, distress to wife and children, heart disease, entrustment of governmental authority, etc.
There will be gains of land, good food , gains of cattle, etc., inclinations towards charitable and religious work.
Loss of wealth, and distress to body.
There will be danger of premature death.
The person will get relief from the above evil effects and enjoy good health by the beneficence of the lord Shiva if he worships his idol made of gold.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of Rahu
Imprudent acts may cause losses. There is a possibility of loss of position and incurring the anger of the state.
Quarrels with dear ones, unhappiness for friends and residing in far off lands is possible.
One may suffer injury on some part of the body and there may be ailments due to gastric and blood infection.
Effects like pleasure of the king for devotion in his service, auspicious functions like celebration of marriage, etc at home, construction of a garden, reservoir, etc., gain of wealth and cattle from well to do persons belonging to the Sudra class, loss of wealth caused by the king 9government officials) during journey to the West, reduction in income due to lethargy, return to homeland.
Danger from menials, the king, and enemies, distress to wife and children, distress to kinsmen, disputes with the coparceners, disputes in dealings with others, but sudden gain of ornaments.
There will be heart disease, defamation, quarrels, danger from enemies, foreign journeys, affliction with Gulma (enlargement of the skin), unpalatable food, and sorrows, etc.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Maha Dasha of Rahu
The mind may be misled and mental tension increases.
Family members like father and brothers may be harmed, wife may be ailing and conflicts are possible.
Loss of wealth, sorrow, ailments, poison and fear of poisonous being prevails, wicked people may cause agony.
Good fortune is possible, away from ones native place and one may have to travel far.
Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), enthusiasm, and cordial relations with the king (government), happiness from wife and children, and increase in property.
There will be danger from thieves, distress from wounds, antagonism with government officials, destruction of kinsmen, distress to wife and children.
There will be distress and diseases.
To obtain relief from the above evil effects Rahu should be worshipped (by recitation of his mantras) and by giving in charity things connected with or ruled by Rahu.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Rahu
Interest in worshipping God and in superior shastras arise.
One may undertake religious pilgrimages, seek the company of sages and perform pious, religious deeds.
Fame may be attained in knowledge, friendship with officials, bliss of children and sufficient wealth may be attained.
Ailments and enemies may be overcome, good health and enthusiasm prevails.
Effects like gain of position, patience, destruction or foes, enjoyment, cordial relations with the king (government), regular increase in wealth and property like the growth of Moon of the bright half of the month ( Shukla Paksh), gain of conveyance and cows.
Audience with the king ( high government officials) by performing journey to the West or South East, success in the desired ventures, return to one's homeland, doing good for Brahmins, visit to holy places.
Gain of a village, devotion to deities and Brahmins, happiness from wife, children, and grand children, availability of sweetish preparations daily.
Loss of wealth, obstacles in work defamation, distress to wife and children, heart disease, entrustment of governmental authority, etc.
There will be gains of land, good food , gains of cattle, etc., inclinations towards charitable and religious work.
Loss of wealth, and distress to body.
There will be danger of premature death.
The person will get relief from the above evil effects and enjoy good health by the beneficence of the lord Shiva if he worships his idol made of gold.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of Rahu
Imprudent acts may cause losses. There is a possibility of loss of position and incurring the anger of the state.
Quarrels with dear ones, unhappiness for friends and residing in far off lands is possible.
One may suffer injury on some part of the body and there may be ailments due to gastric and blood infection.
Effects like pleasure of the king for devotion in his service, auspicious functions like celebration of marriage, etc at home, construction of a garden, reservoir, etc., gain of wealth and cattle from well to do persons belonging to the Sudra class, loss of wealth caused by the king 9government officials) during journey to the West, reduction in income due to lethargy, return to homeland.
Danger from menials, the king, and enemies, distress to wife and children, distress to kinsmen, disputes with the coparceners, disputes in dealings with others, but sudden gain of ornaments.
There will be heart disease, defamation, quarrels, danger from enemies, foreign journeys, affliction with Gulma (enlargement of the skin), unpalatable food, and sorrows, etc.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Rahu
Many upheavals may be quieted down.
Wealth and prosperity and interest in charity and religion increase.
Enemies may cause agony and fear of king, poison, fire and weapons prevails.
There is a possibility of pain due to eye, heart and infections disease.
Effect like cordial relations with the king (government), increase in wealth and grains, some popularity /respect, some possibility of becoming head of a village, etc.
There will be good reputation and encouragement and assistance by government, journeys to foreign countries, acquisition of the sovereignty of the country, gains of elephants, horse, clothes, ornaments, fulfillment of ambitions, happiness to children.
Fevers, dysentery, other diseases, quarrels, antagonism with the king (government), travels, danger from foes, thieves, fire.
Well being in every way and recognition from kings ( high dignitaries ) in foreign countries.
There will be danger of critical illness .
Effects of Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Rahu
Circumstances causing anxiety may arise.
There may be a conflict with the dear ones, opposition with friends and increase in the number of enemies.
Money may come in with difficulty and food may be attained.
Daughter in law may expire, fear of water prevails and conflicts cause unhappiness.
Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of high position in government), respect from the king ( high officials of government).
Gains of wealth, sound health, gains of garments and ornaments, happiness from children, comforts of conveyances, increase in house and landed property.
Beneficence of the Goddess Lakshmi, all round success, increases in wealth and grains, good reputation, and worship of deities.
There will be the creation of disturbances at home and in the agricultural activities by evil spirits, leopards, and other wild animals, danger from thieves during journeys, and stomach disorders.
Effects of Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Rahu
- Many upheavals and movements may arise.
- Physical pain, lack of enthusiasm and loss of memory are possible.
- Position may be lost and fear of king, thieves, fire and weapons prevail.
- Public opinion, residing in one's native land, wife and son may be disturbed or harmed.
- Effects like the recovery of a lost kingdom (reinstatement in a high position in government) and recovery of lost wealth, property at home, and increase in agricultural production, gain of wealth, blessings by the household deity ( Isht Dev) , happiness from children, enjoyment of good food, etc.
- There will be acquisition of red coloured garments, journeys, audience with the king (meeting with high governmental officials), well being of children and employer, attainment of the position of a commander of the army, enthusiasm, and gain of wealth through kinsmen.
- Distress of wife, children, and co-borns, loss of position, antagonistic relations with children, wife , and other close relations, danger from thieves, wounds and pain in the body.
Ketu Dasha
General Interpretations
General effects which are felt during the Maha Dasha of the Ketu are as follows :
During the Maha Dasha of Ketu, there is a lack of happiness.
Physical hardships may increase and ailments are possible.
There may be an interest in sinful deeds arising out of conflicts, lack of prudence and mental restlessness.
There may be hardships caused by those in positions of authority, and fear of theft, poison, water, fire, weapons and friends.
Life is painful and unhappy and there may be lack of bliss from spouse and children.
There may be obstacles in the acquisition of education and wealth, accident or fall from a vehicle, migration abroad and losses in agriculture are foreseen.
Specific Interpretations:
Interpretations based on the condition of the planet and other influences in the birth chart and divisional charts are as follows :
During the Maha Dasha of Ketu, happiness will prevail and a lot of wealth will be attained.
During the Maha Dasha of Ketu, there may be failure, loss of wealth, children and spouse, harm and trouble caused by the state.
There may be loss of happiness, fear of vehicles, fire and public criticism.
Children and the spouse may be fearful, there may be conflicts with family members and mother, and subsequent unhappiness.
Food, land and house may be attained.
During the Maha Dasha of Ketu happiness and gain of wealth is moderate
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Maha Dasha of Ketu
Prudence and intelligence may be disturbed and public criticism is possible.
There may be conflicts with wicked women, harm to son and wife or far of death.
Wealth and happiness are destroyed and there may be pain due to fire and enemies.
Happiness from wife and children , recognition from the king (government), but mental agony, gain of land, village.
Heart disease, defamation, destruction of wealth and cattle, distress to wife and children , instability of mind, etc.
There will be danger from disease , great distress and separation from kinsmen.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Venus in the Maha Dasha of Ketu
Moderate amount of wealth may be attained.
Wife and children may be ailing, there may be conflicts with them, bliss of wife may be disturbed and there is a possibility of separation.
Friends and dear ones may be harmed and there may be disagreements with them. There may be fear of demotion.
Ailments caused by heat and fever may cause pain.
Beneficence from the king, good fortune, gain of clothes etc., recovery of lost kingdom ( reinstatement in a high position in government), comforts of conveyances, etc., visits to sacred shrines, and gain of lands and villages by the beneficence of the king (government).
There will be dawn of fortune.
Sound health, well being in the family, and gains of good food and conveyances, etc.
There will be quarrels without any cause, loss of wealth, distress of cattle.
There will be quarrels with kinsmen, headaches, eye troubles, heart disease defamation, loss of wealth and distress to cattle and wife .
Physical distress and mental agony will be caused.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Sun in the Maha Dasha of Ketu
There may be pain due to state displeasure because of enmity with some officials.
There may be obstacles in work and business, migration and happiness may be disturbed.
Father or some elderly person may suffer harm, there maybe opposition with dear ones and sudden problems may arise.
Physical pain and ailments caused by cough and fever may strike.
The effects like gains of wealth, beneficence of the king, performance of pious deeds, and fulfillment of all ambitions.
Danger from the king (government), separation from parents, journeys to foreign lands, distress from thieves, snakes, and poison, punishment by government, antagonism with the friends, sorrows, danger from fever, etc.
There will be physical fitness, gain of wealth or the birth of a son, success in performance of pious deeds, headship of a small village, etc.
Obstacles in availability of food, fears, and loss of wealth and cattle.
There will be distress at the commencement of the Antar Dasha with some mitigation at its end.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Moon in the Maha Dasha of Ketu
Inspite of great efforts the gains may be limited.
Happiness and unhappiness may be attained, wealth may be acquired and both auspicious and inauspicious events may occur.
Wife, children and servants may be overcome by laziness and lethargy, one's son may be harmed and the mind may be disturbed.
Effects like recognition from the king ( government), enthusiasm, well being, enjoyments acquisition of a house, land, etc.
Abnormal gains of food, clothes, conveyances, cattle, etc., success in business construction of reservoirs, etc., and happiness to wife and children.
The beneficial results will be realized fully if Moon is waxing.
Unhappiness and mental agony, obstacles in ventures, separation from parents, losses in the business, destruction of cattle, etc.
There will be the acquisition of a cow of cows, land, agricultural lands, meeting kinsmen and the achievement of success through them, increase in cows milk and curd.
Cordial relations with the king ( government) in he middle portion of the Antar Dasha
Danger from the king (government ) foreign journey or journeys to distant places in the end of Antar Dasha.
Loss of wealth, anxiety, enmity with kinsmen and distress to brother.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Mars in the Maha Dasha of Ketu
One may attain defame in work involving courage and there is a possibility of quarrels with neighbors.
Work and business may suffer losses and the company of wicked persons may cause pain.
There may be enmity towards wife, son, younger brother and family members.
There may be physical pain due to ailments, poison and burning sensation.
The king may cause pain and friends may be destroyed.
Effects like acquisition of land, village, etc., increase in wealth and cattle, laying out of a new garden, gain of wealth by the beneficence of the king.
There will be gain of land and enjoyment.
There will be recognition from the king, great popularity and reputation and happiness from children and friends.
There will be fear of death or disaster during a foreign journey, diabetes, unnecessary troubles and danger from thieves and the king and quarrels.
High fever, danger from poison, distress to wife, mental agony.
There will be enjoyment and gain of property.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Maha Dasha of Ketu
There is a possibility of physical ailments and accidents.
Mental agony and disturbance of happiness may occur.
Fear of king and thieves prevail, enmity with wicked people and obstacle in all work may occur.
Increase of wealth and gain of wealth, grains, cattle, lands and village from a Yavan king ( high dignitary of a foreign country.)
There will be some trouble at the commencement of the Dasha but all will be well later.
Frequent urination , weakness in the body, cold fever, danger from thieves, intermittent fever, opprobrium quarrels, diabetes, pain in stomach.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Ketu
Faith in God and elders prevail.
The king will be favorable, there will be contacts with recognized people and financial condition remain good.
Sympathy, philanthropy and a cool mentality cause happiness.
Good health prevails, fame, land and bliss of son are attained
Increase in wealth and grains, beneficence of the king, enthusiasm, gain of conveyances, etc., celebration like birth of a son at home, performance of pious deeds, Yagyas, conquest of the enemy and enjoyments.
Danger from thieves, snakes, and wounds, destruction of wealth, separation from wife and children, physical distress, etc.
Some good effects may be felt at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, there will be only adverse results later.
There will be gains of many varieties of garments, ornaments by the beneficence of the king, foreign journeys, taking care of kinsmen, availability of decent food.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Saturn in the Maha Dasha of Ketu
Lack of ethical behaviour and mental restlessness prevails.
The mind is agonized and fearful, there are conflicts with friends and one may have to leave one's native place.
Loss of wealth and position and anxiety about money is possible.
Effects like distress to oneself and one's kinsmen, agony, increase in cattle wealth.
Loss of wealth as a result of imposition of fines by government, resignation from the existing post, journeys to foreign lands, and danger of thieves during travelling.
There will be loss of wealth and lethargy.
Success in all ventures, happiness from the employer, comforts during journeys, increase in happiness and property in ones own village, audience with the king ( visits to high dignitaries).
There will be physical distress, agony, obstacles in ventures, lethargy, defamation, death of parents.
Effect of the Antar Dasha of Mercury in the Maha Dasha of Ketu
Prudence and intelligence prevails and education brings happiness
Job and business brings moderate gains and the financial condition improves.
There may be contacts and assistance from friends.
At the end of the dasha there may be obstacles in work, wasteful expenditure and mental agony.
Effects like acquisition of a kingdom (attainment of a high position in government), enjoyment, charities, gain of wealth and land, birth of a son, celebration of religious functions and functions like marriage suddenly, well- being in the family, gain of clothes, ornaments.
There will be association with men of learning, dawn of fortune, and listening to religious discourses.
Antagonism with government officials, residing in other people's houses, destruction of wealth, clothes conveyances, and cattle.
There will be some beneficial effects at the commencement of the Dasha, still better results in the middle but inauspicious at the end.
There will be good health, happiness from one's son, opulence and glory, availability of good food and clothes, and abnormal profits in business.
Distress, unhappiness and troubles to wife and children, and danger from the king (government ) may be expected at the commencement of the Antar Dasha.
There will, however, be visits to sacred places in the middle of the Dasha.