The Effects of the 9th
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Ascendant
As the 9th lord is in the Ascendant the native will be a self made per-
son. He/she will definitely get public honour and acknowledgment be-
cuse of his/her charming personality and pleasing manners. Acceptance
& encouragement will be given without any hesitation by seniors . Due
to the dint of their hard work they will reach the top. They are endowed
with personal magnetism & the good will gained by them from the public
will be enjoyed by posterity .
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Second House
As the 9th lord is the 2nd, the native will be the son of a rich and infl-
uential man. They will inherit paternal property. Their knowledge
on subjects selected by them is accepted generally. If they get
proper opportunities and encouragement they will become scholars
in their specialised fields. They need variety and lack of variety
frustrates them. They cannot concentrate on one subject for long.
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Third House
As the 9th lord is in the 3rd, means of the native's father will be
moderate. They may have to come up via writing. Fraternal happiness
will be theirs. They will have pleasing personalities and charming
manners. As the 9th lord is in the 7th from the 9th, their father
will be a respectable man in society. They become suspicious beca-
use of their over-analytical nature. They are lovers of mysteries
and try to solve them.
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Fourth House
As the 9th lord is in the 4th, the native will have beautiful houses &
conveyances. They are deeply attached to mother who is also a for-
tunate individual. They may inherit father's immovable properties.
Their father may be quite hard hearted & their childhood memories
will revolve around that image. Disharmony may exist betwixt pare-
nts. They generate strong sex appeal and put the principle "Work is
Worship " in action.
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Fifth House
As the 9th lord is in the 5th, Destiny will give the native a famous &prosperous father. As the 9th lord is in the 9th from the 9th,
father becomes fortunate and successful. They will be renowned for their learning and will be of charitable disposition. Their character will be spotless. They will have immense courage which will serve them in the hour of crisis. They will be prosperous and their domestic life will be satisfactory.
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Sixth House
As the 9th lord is in 6th, the native's father may have to face health
problems. Unless proper care is exercised it may develop into a
chronic disease. Their revenge is always cruel and swift if
they feel that they have been cheated. Wealth will be gained as a
result of successful termination of father's legal problems.
Money as compensation comes to them automatically. Their father
may have to face litigation and other problems. Since the
9th lord is in the 10th from the 9th, father becomes successful
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Seventh House
As the 9th lord is in the 7th, luck is generally after marriage.
Father goes abroad and prospers. They also will find their fortune
in foreign lands. They will be blessed with a noble and lucky spouse
They dont think of marriage as a game but rather as a sacramental
function. An understanding partner wont worry about their fide-
lity. They love domestic life and want to be with members of their
family. 11th from the 9th means fulfillment of fortune & all desires.
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Eighth House
As the 9th lord is in the 8th, the native may have to face separation
from their father. Problems manifest for their elder brothers and
sisters on account of them . Their fortunes will be subject to dire
vicissitudes. Their fiscal fortune do not remain constant. They are
undoubtedly very good salesmen. They deride Religion and its
institutions. As the 8th is 12th from the 9th, they may have to suffer
reverses in luck and constant bickerings in married life are to be
expected. Children may also pose problems.
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Ninth House
As the 9th lord is in the 9th the native will have a long-lived &
prosperous father. They are respected in society and known to be
very lucky enjoying paternal legacy. They will be extolled as
exemplars and their qualities will be a source of inspiration to
others. Even their relatives gain immensely from their luck. Their
father plays a pivotal role in their development and progress.
They will be intensely religious and charitable. They earn largesse
from their foreign visits. They will have a cordially disposed spouse
and good children.
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Tenth House
As the 9th lord is in the 10th, the native will become famous & powerful
This is said to be a powerful RajaYoga, a combination for political
power. They will be blessed with a royal status in Govt or in
defence. With their charming personality they will endear themselves
to all. Wisdom and wit will be reflected in marital life. Sometimes
they are shy and timid & sometimes they are loquacious and exhibit
extrovert qualities.
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Eleventh House
As the 9th lord is in the 11th and as this is a Dhana Yoga,
the native will be above want. They will be blessed with influential
friends. Father is also renowned and well off. Their capability
is enormous in the sense they will leave their footprints in the
sands of time by way of great achievements.Wealth beyond the dreams
of avarice they will have. They are masterminds when it comes
to execution of any plan with malice aforethought.
The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Twelfth House
As the 9th lord is in the 12th, luck does not come to the native . They
may have to work very hard in life. Even then success do not come to
them. Their father may leave them penniless. 9th lord in the 12th does
not indicate a rich background. They may be faced with financial
difficulties due to festivals and celebrations. They have to exercise
caution and follow the principles of economic prudence.
10th house lord
The Tenth House deals with Profession, the important dimension in one's
One becomes a success in the professional sphere, depending on the strength
of the 10th lord and the 10th house. If the 10th lord is debilitated or weak,
the professional life of the native will suffer. If he be powerful, professional
success is indicated.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Ascendant
Since the 10th lord is in the First, the native will be a workaholic
and will come up the hard way to the top. They will be self emplo-
yed and will have independent professions. If their talents are
developed properly, they will be hailed as pioneers. Health prob-
lems manifest only during childhood. Their principle is "Slow and
steady wins the race" and the progress they achieve will be steady
and slow. They will have relations with powerful people, people
who are related to politics. This combination is conducive to
success in politics.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Second House
Since the 10th lord is in the 2nd, the native is lucky as far as
profession is concerned. Since the 2nd is 5th from the 10th, they
will be successful in their professional spheres. They may develop
their family business and if they suffer losses, they may wind it up.
This is a combination that bestows fame according to astrological
savants. A big patrimony may be inherited. Professional reputation
and enhancement results as a result of hard work put in.While
they overcome the impediments to success with determination,
they go up in the ladder of fame.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Third House
Since 10th lord is in the 3rd, part of the native's career will be spent
in travelling. They may shine as speakers or writers. Brothers
will be instrumental in their progress in the professional sphere.
Rivalry with brothers and possible reversals as a result likely.
Since they are wedded to truth, they command respect within their
circle. They will be well liked and there wont be any lack of
cooperation and goodwill at the place of work. They may be beset
by problems in profession as the 3rd is the 6th from the 10th. They
will overcome these problems in time.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Fourth House
Since the 10th lord is in the 4th, the native will be a versatile per
son with knowledge in various subjects. They will be renowned for their learning and generosity. They may shine in real estate deals and agricultural pursuits. They will wield political power and will be known as good mediators. They will have powerful friends who will help them in their hour of crisis. They will have a well decorated house & conveyances. Because of their wealth and leadership qualities, they will have followers and juniors who admire them. This is a powerful position for public life.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Fifth House
Since the 10th lord is in the 5th, the native will excel in real estate
deals and in speculation. They are inclined to Religion and Philosophy and lead a simple life with prayer and meditation. They are
interested in learning from early childhood and adhere to Truth.
They will be blessed with all the comforts of life. They will have
powerful friends. As the 5th is 8th from the 10th, they will have
reverses in profession and may be subjected to vicissitudes. They
will have powerful enemies also who will try to block their pro-
gress and development.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Sixth House
Since the 10th lord is in the 6th, the native will shine in occupations
which are connected with the judiciary, hospital or prison. They
will hold responsible posts. They will be known as impartial
men and will be held in high esteem. There may be transfers and
changes in their environment. They will subject to trouble through
enemies. As the 6th is 9th to the 10th, they will have professional
luck and people will recognise them as professionals. They will
wield political power and have wealth beyond the dreams of avarice
Lucky breaks come to them automatically.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Seventh House
Since the 10th lord is in the 7th, this is a powerful position
for professional life. Their IQ will be above the average & they
will be renowned for their communication skills. They will be ble-
ssed with a partner who becomes a cause for their career deve-
lopment. They may travel abroad for business. Their managerial abi-
lities are well known as they fill their targets in time. They beli-
eve in people and in delegation. Hence all ventures initiated by
them prove to be successful. As the 7th is 10th from the 10th,
their professional fame will surpass all boundaries.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Eighth House
Since the 10th lord is in the 8th, changes or breaks in career
are to be expected. Anyway they will have a regal status in their
profession. They may become mystics & choose the path celestial.
They will be blessed with good longevity. They are noble-minded
& high principled and uphold lofty principles. They will be well
appreciated by their juniors & associates. As the 8th is 11th from
the 10th, they will have high gains via profession. Their brothers
also ascend the ladder of success.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Ninth House
Since the 10th lord is in the 9th, the native will become a sage & a
mystic. They will become exemplars and guides to those who
walk the path celestial. Fortune will favour them generally and they
will be well off. A hereditary profession will be taken up by them
-viz that of a teacher, preacher or healer. Their father will play
a dominant role in their development and they will prove dutiful to
him. They are basically altruists and charitable. They will shine
as psychological counsellors. They will have a regal status and
bearing and will be respected for their talents.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Tenth House
Since the 10th lord is in the 10th, the native will shine in their profession as this position is conducive to professional brilliance. They may turn to asceticism during a particular stage in life. They respect their seniors and get respected thereby. People will find them trustworthy and they always prove to be good assistants who can be depended on. They can wield immense political power & always have contact with those in the Government. A powerfully posited 10th lord confers professional enhancement & reputation. People will look up to them for guidance.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Eleventh House
Since the 10th lord is in the 11th, the native will earn merit & reputa-
tion along with money. They display a happy exterior always and
show bonhomie and geniality. This earns them good reputation and
goodwill among the public. They will be in a position to give emp-
loyment opportunities to many a people. And this makes them the
most sought after individuals with many friends. As the 11th is 2nd
from the 10th, profession will fetch them immense largesse. Fame
and reputation will be theirs. Professional enhancement indicated.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Twelfth House
Since the 10th lord is in the 12th, the native is likely to reside ab-
road and will be beset with many problems and obstacles. They
will be after Self Actualisation. They should be cautious in matters
of tax or when dealing with government organisations. Beware of
involvement with politicians which will result only in major loss for
them . They may have a vocation linked to rituals and religion.
Income may be from ecclesiastical sources. They may have many
enmity & problems in profession.They are advised to turn to remedial
measures for problem solution.
11th house lord
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in Different Houses
The Eleventh House is the House for the fulfimment of all desires. Labha or Gains is its main signification. The profit one makes in Life is dependent on the strength of the Eleventh House. Only if the eleventh lord is powerful, can one achieve success in any venture. If the eleventh lord is too powerful, anarchic qualities may manifest !
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the First House
As the 11th lord is in the First, the native can have immense wealth if he/ she uses his/her talents properly. They may not have the privilege of having an elder brother. They are best suited to a profession where rhetorical ability can be used effectively.Immense gains can be theirs if eloquence is used.As the ascendant is the 3rd from the 11th, they will have the help of younger coborns in the battle of life. They will be known for their valour & chivalry They will have a good economic background. Fulfillment of all desires will be achieved by this combination.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Second House
As the 11th lord is in the 2nd, the native will have the help & guidance of his/her elder brothers. Harmonious relationship will be established with friends and elder coborns. Businesses partnering friends always bring good profits.They are altruists and charitable basically.They are also religious and spiritual. Friends & elder coborns help them throughout life. This is a powerful Dhana Yoga, a combination for immense wealth.The 2nd is the 4th from the 11th. Hence they will be blessed by conveyances & a good house.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Third House
As the 11th lord is in the 3rd, the native's main source of income will be music & poetry. Brothers help them throughout life and they will have lot of friends. They have undoubted skills and they are likely to enjoy fraternal bliss. As the 3rd is the 5th from the 11th, they will have immense gains of a high order. If they speculate properly they can earn immense wealth. That is high returns are a ssociated with higher risk. The 5th house rules investments and speculation.Hence this advice. Elder brothers and sisters give not only advice but also financial help.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Fourth House
As the 11th lord is in the 4th, the native accumulates via estates, produce of the earth and rentals. Mother will be highly cultured and possessing an exemplary character. They will be renowned for their academic abilities.They will be blessed by a loving and charming partner. As the 4th is the 6th from the 11th, many a problem will have to be faced regarding business. Rivalry & enmity in the professional sphere can be expected. During the periods of business cycles, possiblity of loss have to be countenanced. Real estate deals & other ventures are subject to vicissitudes.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Fifth House
As the 11th lord is in the 5th & aspects the 11th, the native will have immense gains and general prosperity. Children come up well. If they indulge in speculation they will get windfall profits as the 5th rules speculation. They are a follower of the principle "No prosperity without discipline". Hence they will observe many oaths & vows which enhances their development. Their sons & daughters will be dutiful &meritorious. They will climb the ladder of success and fame as Labha lord is in the 5th. Elder coborns will be cordially disposed.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Sixth House
As the 11th lord is in the 6th, money will be gained through litigation & running nursing homes. Happiness will be achieved away from the land of birth. They excel in service rather than indpendent business.Undue worry need not be caused by fiscal reverses which occur during business cycles. Good for them if they work under a good supervisor. As the 6th is 8th from the 11th, some problems should be expected in the area of profession. Rivalry and enmity from rivals and their machinations have to be faced. They are advised to resort to astro-therapeutic measures.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Seventh House
As the 11th lord is in the 7th, the native's spouse's people will help him/her considerably. Luck favours them in the professional sphere. They may go abroad and be on a world tour. They are advised to follow the principle "Economy is Prudence" as they lack economic prudence. Their judgement regarding expenditure have to be improved. People are confused about their economic management. As they are liberal minded & cooperative their spouse bosses over them thinking they are soft hearted. They have to crack down on people exploiting their iberality.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Eighth House
As the 11th lord is in the 8th, the native may be blessed with better longevity than his/her spouse. Their career will be subject to dire vicissitudes & they need not be unduly bothered about these vicissitudes. They should be careful about cheats & swindlers who approach them in confidence. As the 8th is the 10th from the 10th, they will be renowned for their professional work. They will be sought after persons having expertise. They may have to face rivalry & enmity in their sphere of work. Losses of a high magnitude may have to be countenanced. Elder coborns may not be that cordially disposed.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Ninth House
As the 11th lord is in the 9th, Lady Luck will favour the native & most probably will inherit a large paternal fortune paving the way for his/her s uccess. Many houses & conveyances come under his/her control They will be philosophically oriented and will disseminate philosophic instructions and literature. They are basically altruists and will set up charitable institutions. The political powers that be will honour them mainly because of their talents and their adherence to Truth.This is a powerful Dhana Yoga & can bestow immense wealth.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Tenth House
As the 11th lord is in the 10th, the native will excel in business & earn fame and reputation. Elder coborns will help them in their hour of need. As the 10th is 12th from the 11th, they will have to face losses and undue expenditure connected with business. Rivalry & enmity increases. They will have to fight immense adversity in the realm of profession.They have to follow the principle "Economy is Prudence ". They will have immense educational gains and they get prizes or awards. They will have good friends who will always help them.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Eleventh House
As the 11th lord is in the 11th, the native will live a comfortable life with his/her partner, children & riches. They will have powerful elder brothers and friends who help them throughout life. They will learn from every incident day by day a knowledge that can be used for their advancement. From the perspective of Labha this is a fortunate combination.Labha lord in labhasthana is a powerful Dhana Yoga. Immense gains will accrue to them. They will be above want. Elder brothers and sisters attain high status. They gain as a result of their benevolence.
The Effects of the Eleventh Lord in the Twelfth House
As the 11th lord is in the 12th, the native is likely to lose wealth because of his/ her elder coborns. They may have desire to spend on things which are not essential in life. Money may be spent on gratification of the senses. They will associate with unknown groups and foreigners. They may have to spend much for their elder brother on account of his health. As the 12th is 2nd to the 11th, they will however have money.
12th house lord
The Effects of the 12th lord in different houses
The Twelfth House refers to Loss, incarceration, expenditure & Final Emancipation.
Hidden enemies are also indicated by the 12th. If malefics tenant the 12th house,
unnecessary expenditure, ill health and sorrow are indicated. If the 12th house is
tenanted by benefics, expenditure will be under control and there wont be any
The Effects of the 12th lord in the First House
Since the 12th lord is in the ascendant the native will be of a handso-
me mein.He/she may be feeble minded and may have a weak constitution
They may not follow the principles of economic prudence. Breathing
problems may be experienced. They frequently complain of minor
problems of health as this leads to irritation. They will suffer
from imaginary ills and unnecessary fear of death. Health problems
manifest as 12th lord is not desirable in 1st. They are advised
to follow thrift and economy. To be free from imaginary problems
they are advised to meditate and pray.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Second House
Since the 12th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be subject to dire
financial problems. Irregular food habits take their toll. Lack
of harmony at home will be experienced & their eyesight will generally
be poor. They will ultimately find mental peace in matters spiritual.
They are tactful persons and their presentation of unpleasant topics will
be greatly appreciated. As the 2nd is 3rd from the 12th, their
expenditure will rise considerably. They will helped by their you-
nger coborns. They will aim for goals spiritual and they will have
to take to the dolorous divine way.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Third House
Since the 12th lord is in the 3rd, the native will be shy and diffident
They may lose one of the brothers. They dont care for their perso-
nal sartorial getup and may appear shabby in front of people. Much
of their money will be spent on younger coborns.They are basically
introverts and do not care to create friends and influence people.
Since the 3rd is the 4th from the 12th, they will have the
comfort and bliss of spiritual freedom. They will have spiritual
guidance. Their younger coborns may turn hostile against them.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Fourth House
Since the 12th lord is in the 4th, the native will be mentally restless
and unnecessary worries are created by their minds. Relatives turn
hostile and they may have to live in a far away place. The landlord
may torment them most of the time. The maintenance expenditure
rises regarding vehicles & equipment. Loss may have to be countenanced
regarding vehicles. Loss of comforts indicated. As the 4th is 5th
to the 12th, spiritual progress can be expected
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Fifth House
Since the 12th lord is in the 5th, delays or difficulties due to
progeny or unhappiness from children can be expected. The native
becomes spiritual minded & spends money on pilgrimages or religious donations to find peace of mind. They may suffer from mental break-
downs. In the name of Religion someone may extract money from
them in their moments of weakness. As the 5th is 6th to the 12th,
they will have to struggle hard for spiritual progress. Many obstacles
and hindrances appear on the path to salvation. They are advised
to turn to Bhakthi Yoga & Jnana Yoga for final emancipation.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Sixth House
The 12th lord in the 6th is a Vipareetha Raja Yoga which gives
wealth, fame and all sorts of comforts. As the 6th happens to be
the 7th from the 12th and is an angle from it, the native will be lucky
with respect to 12th house significations which are expenditure,
incarceration and Final Emancipation. Regarding final
emancipation, if they work hard in the spiritual sphere success
can be theirs .Their enemies will be vanquished. Some unwise spend-
ing indicated. They are advised to control their anger.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Seventh House
Since the 12th lord is in the 7th, a socially inferior person when
compared to the native may become their partner.It will be highly difficult
to continue the relationship unless major efforts are made. Later
on they may embrace asceticism as separation can happen at any
time. Their mind will be afflicted and even their learning. This
is due to the fact that 7th is 8th from the 12th and damage is
caused not only to the 7th house significations but also to
the 12th house significations . Expenditure rises spirally
and they feel that they are bound to terra firma.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Eighth House
Since the 12th lord is in the 8th, the native will be be above want &
famous in their circle. They will spend a lot for a life full of
luxury and they will have many subordinates. Legacy from a promi-
nent person cannot be ruled out. They are interested in psychic
sciences. They will be versatile with good qualities of head and
heart. They will be renowned for their righteousness and will be
recognised as persons with the gift of the gab. Since the 8th
is 9th to the 12th, they will be lucky with regard to the 12th house
significations. Reduced expenditure and spiritual progress.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Ninth House
Since the 12th lord is in the 9th the native will find it difficult to
maintain good relationship even with his/her own people. It is quite
likely that they will live abroad and prosper there. They may not
spend much on spiritual matters even though they are noble hearted,
honest & generous to the core. Family life turns out to be unpl-
easant as they think only about profit and loss. As the 9th is 10th
to the 12th, they will be lucky regarding 12th house indications.
Expenditure gets reduced & spiritual progress will be there. Luck
graces them regarding things spiritual.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Tenth House
Since the 12th lord is in the 10th, expenditure becomes unbearable
as the native's social contacts are with people on a higher socio-economic
pedestal. They cannot depend on paternal bliss. Their sons may turn
hostile against them. As the 10th is 11th to the 12th, they will gain
with respect to the 12th house significations. Spiritual progress
indicated. There wont be any incarceration. They will have the
contacts of the high & the mighty and the powers that rule help
them when they are in deep trouble. They are advised to turn to Bha-
kthi Yoga & Jnana Yoga for deliverance.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Eleventh House
The 12th lord in the 11th is detrimental to the native's business, profits
& expenditure. Because the 11th is 12th to the 12th, many enemies
are cultivated and only a few friends. They will have extravagant
habits which have been picked up in a place far away from home.
Losses at a critical time are inevitable. Regarding progeny there
may be difficulties and delays. Unexpected losses may result as
the Labha lord takes an adverse stance. Expenditure spirals as a
result and spiritual progress is hard to come by. They may be sub-
ject to persecution by enemies.
The Effects of the 12th lord in the Twelfth House
Since the 12th lord is in the 12th the native will have to cater to the
heavy expenditure for which he/she is the cause. They will
spend lavishly for the pleasures of the flesh as the 12th rules
Sayana Sukha or the pleasures of the couch. Spiritual progress can
be expected after they become blase. Good eye sight will be theirs .
They become irritated and spiteful at times. They are advised to
turn to prayer & meditation in order to overcome the lusts of the
body. Bhakti & Jnana Yogas can give them final emancipation. Only
by hard sacrifice is high heaven earned.